Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ayacucho, Peru
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Córdoba capital, Argentina
Jauja, Peru
Delayed slightly leaving town, my host, as I was preparing to leave, asked that I wait ten minutes while he dashed out. He returned with a lovely handwritten note wishing me safe travels and a small souvenir of Jauja to remind me of the place. I've no idea how many extra calories that souvenir cost me over the following months pedalling through the high Cordilleras.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ayacucho, Peru
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Córdoba capital, Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina
Cafayate, Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina
Tupiza, Bolivia
Cordoba, Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina
Córdoba, Spain
Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
I ate at a little hole-in-the-wall cafe in the bazaar. The owner gave his boy some money and sent him off, to buy more bread I thought, but no, he’d noticed that my hands were cracked from riding in the very cold, dry air of late. His boy came back with sticking plasters and carefully patched my fingers up for me.
Istanbul, Turkey
Cordoba, Spain
Córdoba, Spain
Montréal, Quebec
La Paz, Bolivia
Being unfamiliar with the name of the large pills the pharmacist gave me for my upset stomach, I looked them up online to find mostly information related to their use on horses. A little more digging revealed a suitable dose for humans was only slightly more than that recommended for a large dog.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Copacabana, Bolivia
Cafayate, Argentina